CYMA HY017B UMPA MP5 Rifle Spring BB Gun
Out of stock New
This HY017B is a UMP MP5 style Airsoft BB Gun. This is a single shot 6mm Airsoft BB gun, it is fully assembled. It has a tactical fixed stock that can be removed for transportation. It has a front grip with built-in LED coloured torch, which slides on to the under rail system of the gun.
  •  FREE UK mainland Delivery
  •  UMP MP5 style
  •  Includes Scope, Torch & Front Grip
  •  Spring powered rifle
CYMA HY017C UMPA MP5 Rifle Spring BB Gun
-6% New
This HY017C is a UMP-style Airsoft BB Gun. This gun is a single shot 6mm Airsoft BB gun; it is fully assembled and has a LED torch integrated with a front grip system. It also has a non-working plastic sight that fits onto the top tactical rail. This is a great-looking single-shot airsoft gun with very good accuracy due to its extended barrel.
  •  FREE UK mainland Delivery
  •  UMP MP5 style
  •  Includes Sight, Torch & Front Grip
  •  Spring powered rifle
Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £33.00.
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